pave way 124.69   Was he paving the way for another referendum?
  pave road 7.44   Are the roads paved?
  pave street 3.09   The streets are paved.
  pave path 0.92   The path was paved with Tylenol.
  pave highway 0.66   The information highway is being paved with glass, but now the road crews are running low.
  pave floor 0.39   Instead of parquet, the floors are paved in a pale gray marble from Greece.
  pave material 0.33   Other walkways have been widened and covered with paving materials.
  pave paradise 0.33   Good luck getting the OK to pave paradise.
  pave area 0.26   Could we suggest paving the area around West Hall War Memorial.
  pave driveway 0.26   The driveway is paved with concrete.
  pave trail 0.26   In the meantime, the Olympic trail is paved with Jell-O.
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