park car 31.80   You park your car somewhere.
  park vehicle 6.98   The vehicle was parked outside the bank.
  park garage 6.71   Parking garage.
  park truck 6.25   The truck was parked there overnight.
  park money 3.75   Rather, he said, people were parking their money in banks.
  park ticket 3.55   No one gets parking tickets in Denver.
  park area 3.23   Cabins, parking areas, side roads.
  park van 3.09   A van was parked next to the building.
  park bus 1.78   The bus company wants to park its buses there.
  park place 1.65   But it was a lot easier to slip into parking places.
  park tank 1.65   Tanks were parked in front yards.
  park fee 1.58   Parking fee.
  park plane 1.45   But where do you park the plane?
  park facility 1.12   The building has parking facilities for twenty cars.
  park ambulance 0.99   Ambulances were parked near the compound.
  park violation 0.92   And he said town police officers have ignored parking violations in the village.
  park trailer 0.86   The trailer had been parked in a gravel truck lot.
  park carrier 0.79   An armored personnel carrier was parked at the checkpoint.
  park fine 0.79   It also tows cars when owners have not paid parking fines.
  park structure 0.79   In January, the mall hopes to have its south parking structure rebuilt.
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