pardon request 1.78   Chirac has already rejected two pardon requests.
  pardon application 1.71   Other pardon applications are pending before the Georgia board.
  pardon attorney 0.92   And the pardon attorneys had never investigated any of them.
  pardon decision 0.72   I believe my pardon decision was in the best interests of justice.
  pardon power 0.66   For its part, Congress may conclude that the pardon power is too broad.
  pardon board 0.59   Beazley needs nine votes from the pardons board for clemency.
  pardon commission 0.59   The pardons commission on Friday recommended that Pope be sent home.
  pardon process 0.53   Removing the secrecy from the pardon process is not a novel idea.
  pardon issue 0.46   Bob Dole raised the pardon issue in the first debate and then backed away.
  pardon petition 0.46   But Nolan testified that she doubted the merits of the pardon petition.
  pardon controversy 0.33   It was his first comment on the pardon controversy.
  pardon candidate 0.26   The Justice Department typically expects pardon candidates to have served their time before applying.
  pardon scandal 0.26   But none of the disc jockeys mentioned the pardon scandal.
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