paralyzed actor 0.72   Paralyzed actor appeals for help for the disabled.
  paralyzed people 0.72   The initial goal would be to help paralyzed people stand and exercise their legs.
  paralyzed arm 0.66   His paralyzed left arm dangled uselessly.
  paralyzed woman 0.66   A paralyzed woman was carted through the border in a wheelbarrow.
  paralyzed gymnast 0.59   Sang Shisheng, father of paralyzed Chinese gymnast Sang Lan.
  paralyzed train 0.46   It destroyed buildings, caused fires, paralyzed train and highway transport, and cut electricity and water supplies.
  paralyzed man 0.39   The title comes from her experience of bringing buckets of sea water to a paralyzed man who could not speak.
  paralyzed leg 0.33   A pink blanket covered her paralyzed legs.
  paralyzed limb 0.33   As a result, hundreds of thousands of people with impaired vision or hearing, paralyzed limbs or other disabilities have lost jobs.
  paralyzed economy 0.26   President Habibie and his cabinet inherited a paralyzed economy.
  paralyzed mouse 0.26   Scientists have successfully spliced pig cells into the injured spines of paralyzed mice and restored some nerve impulses.
  paralyzed son 0.26   Former nail salon owner Judy Buenoano also drowned her paralyzed son and tried to kill her fiance with a car bomb.
  paralyzed system 0.26   Russia is broke and has a paralyzed political system.
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