panelist think 8.23   Two panelists thought it was too salty.
  panelist like 7.11   Panelists also liked the texture.
  panelist say 2.90   Most panelists said they were proud to be advocates.
  panelist describe 1.84   Two panelists described the texture as waxy.
  panelist agree 1.65   Other panelists agreed.
  panelist note 1.51   Some panelists also noted its fresh texture.
  panelist be 1.45   But several panelists were hard to convince.
  panelist comment 1.12   Three panelists commented this brand was by far the best.
  panelist find 0.99   Some panelists also found the texture too grainy.
  panelist detect 0.79   One panelist detected an odd metallic flavor.
  panelist dislike 0.72   Two panelists disliked the gritty texture.
  panelist include 0.59   Other panelists included Vinton Cerf of WorldCom.
  panelist complain 0.53   One panelist complained about a chemical aftertaste.
  panelist take 0.46   Panelists took opposing sides on this brand.
  panelist discuss 0.39   Other panelists discussed the problem of obesity in far-flung locales like Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific.
  panelist taste 0.39   Panelists also tasted Tabatchnick but it scored too low to rate.
  panelist object 0.33   However, many panelists objected to the neon orange color.
  panelist call 0.26   Two panelists called the texture a bit grainy.
  panelist come 0.26   But despite the joking, the panelists did come up with some answers.
  panelist compare 0.26   One panelist compared the flavor to pumpkin pie.
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