paint be 9.74   There is no paint.
  paint peel 4.94   Paint is peeling.
  paint dry 1.78   Let the paint dry.
  paint have 0.86   The paint often has a naive quality.
  paint contain 0.79   Some paints contain lead, which can be poisonous.
  paint cover 0.59   Fresh paint covered the city.
  paint flake 0.59   Has the paint flaked?
  paint start 0.59   Eventually the paint will start to crystallize.
  paint stick 0.59   The paint would never stick.
  paint peel_off 0.53   Paint was peeling off the walls.
  paint adhere 0.46   In general, oil-based paint will adhere better than latex.
  paint fade 0.39   Over the years the green paint had faded.
  paint chip 0.33   Pale blue paint chips from a getaway car.
  paint come 0.33   You should spray until no more paint comes out.
  paint fail 0.33   Then the paints failed to arrive.
  paint last 0.33   No paint will last that long.
  paint do 0.26   So did the paint.
  paint get 0.26   What happened, however, is that the paint got hot and cold alternatively, according to the seasons.
  paint make 0.26   Paint makes dust stick to walls.
  paint protect 0.26   Paint protects your car from rust.
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