pain medication 8.29   Pain medication enjoys record sales.
  pain reliever 6.78   Pain reliever such as ibuprofen.
  pain relief 6.45   Was pain relief achieved?
  pain killer 6.19   It is a mild pain killer.
  pain management 2.57   They also receive less adequate pain management.
  pain pill 1.78   Need two-hour pain pill.
  pain treatment 1.65   Experts say this may have implications for pain treatment in neonatal wards.
  pain medicine 1.58   It is not a pain medicine.
  pain signal 1.51   It delivers a steady stream of painkilling drugs which disrupt pain signals.
  pain threshold 1.45   That depends on your pain threshold.
  pain control 1.18   Instead, a double-barrelled approach to pain control often works best.
  pain specialist 1.18   The results have alarmed pain management specialists.
  pain barrier 0.79   We have no pain barrier.
  pain clinic 0.72   Pain management clinics are becoming fixtures at US hospitals.
  pain drug 0.72   These studies might yield highly specific new pain drugs with few side effects, scientists said.
  pain sufferer 0.59   Back pain sufferers can all relate.
  pain fiber 0.53   Pain fibers are wrapped around taste buds.
  pain message 0.53   The element also helps block pain messages from being sent and received along the nervous system.
  pain sensation 0.53   The receptors become sensitive to the signals and can produce exaggerated pain sensations.
  pain syndrome 0.53   Minor injuries touch off debilitating pain syndrome.
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