pack with 130.94   The island was packed with tourists.
  pack into 25.67   Pack into pan.
  pack to 3.82   The house is packed to the gunnels.
  pack on 3.23   Boutter was sent packing on Wednesday.
  pack inside 2.24   Pack them inside shoes or handbags.
  pack at 2.11   The place is packed at night.
  pack like 1.32   The refugees were packed like sardines.
  pack onto 1.25   Most people are packed onto flat, coastal areas like Tokyo.
  pack around 1.18   Ball bearings packed around the explosive added to its deadliness.
  pack as 1.05   This structure is not so closely packed as the other two.
  pack by 0.86   In this shop, Vuitton revolutionized packing by redesigning the trunk.
  pack of 0.79   Packs of black leather.
  pack from 0.72   Soon, arenas will be packed from Ames to Austin.
  pack during 0.59   The Publix on Northlake was packed during lunch one day last week.
  pack out 0.59   Must pack out trash.
  pack before 0.53   Pack it before moving and store it before the open house.
  pack beyond 0.46   The hall was packed far beyond its capacity.
  pack after 0.39   And like that, on the nerves, day after day, pack after pack.
  pack than 0.33   The yarns are less densely packed than velvet.
  pack aboard 0.26   At dawn some were packed aboard trains bound for Macedonia.
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