pace advance 10.93   Autos paced the advance.
  pace decline 10.14   Banks paced the decline.
  pace gain 2.76   Banks paced the gain.
  pace floor 2.11   He paces the floor.
  pace retreat 1.97   Tobacco stocks paced the retreat.
  pace sideline 1.58   Larry Lacewell paced the sidelines.
  pace room 1.25   Bela pacing room.
  pace decliner 1.18   SK Telecom paced the decliners.
  pace rally 1.12   Retailers, bottlers and banks paced the rally.
  pace rise 0.72   Drugs paced the rise.
  pace gainer 0.66   Motorola Inc. and Microsoft Corp. paced gainers.
  pace growth 0.53   Teleport said sales growth was paced by a big increase from Internet and data services.
  pace hallway 0.53   He paced a hallway.
  pace index 0.53   Glaxo Wellcome Plc and B.A.T Industries Plc paced the index lower.
  pace market 0.53   But the stock no longer paces the market.
  pace hall 0.46   They had nervously paced the halls of the convention center early Friday.
  pace sidewalk 0.46   I pace the sidewalk, watching for his truck.
  pace stage 0.46   Lupe Munoz paces the stage, trying to catch his breath.
  pace increase 0.39   Bond trading, its forte, paced the increase.
  pace ascent 0.33   Sony Corp. and Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Ltd. paced the ascent.
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