overturn conviction 22.38   The court overturned his conviction.
  overturn decision 19.22   No appeals court to overturn the decision.
  overturn ruling 11.45   The ruling was later overturned.
  overturn verdict 8.49   That verdict also was overturned.
  overturn ban 7.24   Could the ban someday be overturned?
  overturn law 6.98   It did not overturn the law.
  overturn car 5.00   Some overturned police cars.
  overturn sentence 4.08   The sentence was later overturned.
  overturn result 2.83   The court overturned the result.
  overturn order 2.44   Both orders have been overturned by federal judges.
  overturn vehicle 2.11   Several vehicles were overturned and set afire.
  overturn rule 2.04   The current bills would overturn that rule.
  overturn election 1.58   So is an election being overturned here?
  overturn table 1.58   Tables were overturned and destroyed.
  overturn victory 1.45   His victory was overturned in August.
  overturn injunction 1.25   That injunction was quickly overturned.
  overturn call 1.18   And the call was overturned.
  overturn suspension 1.18   Suspensions rarely are overturned.
  overturn policy 1.12   Then he wants to come back and overturn the policy.
  overturn veto 1.12   The legislature voted overwhelmingly to overturn the veto.
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