overpowering fastball 0.99   He fanned on an overpowering fastball.
  overpowering serve 0.99   Somehow, Ivanisevic and his overpowering serve were still around.
  overpowering stench 0.79   An overpowering stench made close investigation difficult.
  overpowering performance 0.46   He accomplished that with an overpowering performance.
  overpowering smell 0.46   There was an overpowering smell of alcohol.
  overpowering sense 0.33   Viduka benefited from an overpowering sense of Olympic pride and spirit.
  overpowering pitcher 0.26   He is not an overpowering pitcher but has excellent control.
  overpowering presence 0.26   What Tech missed was his overpowering presence.
  overpowering urge 0.26   So, I wondered, was her current overpowering urge a result of earlier deprivation?
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