overfly area 2.37   A helicopter overflew the area.
  overfly territory 1.25   Israel retains its rights to overfly the territory.
  overfly city 1.12   Jets were overflying the city.
  overfly region 0.72   Lebanese police said Israeli fighter jets also overflew the region.
  overfly country 0.53   Tajikistan already is allowing U.S. combat aircraft to overfly the country.
  overfly scene 0.46   Two helicopters were to overfly the scene.
  overfly south 0.33   And Phantom bombers overflew the south of the eastern Bekaa valley where Syrian troops are stationed.
  overfly town 0.33   Following the attack, security was stepped up in Mostar with SFOR helicopters overflying the town.
  overfly airspace 0.26   The action also delayed aircraft overflying French airspace, normally co-ordinated by French controllers.
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