outline in 28.77   This, too, should be outlined in the proposal.
  outline above 3.88   The steps outlined above would be a start.
  outline for 2.96   Donahue fits the profile Jones has outlined for a new head coach.
  outline to 2.37   But not to the extent outlined by Hudson.
  outline on 1.97   They have the family tree outlined on the home computer.
  outline below 1.91   The two Programmes are outlined below.
  outline by 1.78   But not to the extent outlined by Hudson.
  outline at 1.45   Production was not outlined at the time.
  outline against 0.92   Outlined against a blue-gray October sky ...
  outline of 0.72   Outline of a bison, chiseled into a bank of the Coa River gorge.
  outline with 0.72   If the area is curved, outline it with a garden hose.
  outline as 0.33   The seven food groups were outlined as the nutrition standard for Americans.
  outline during 0.33   Clinton proceeded with a question-and-answer session during which she outlined her views on the Middle East.
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