outcome be 64.52   The outcome was still in doubt.
  outcome have 2.96   The outcome has major ramifications.
  outcome depend 2.70   The outcome does depend on Florida.
  outcome remain 2.30   But the outcome remains uncertain.
  outcome seem 2.17   The outcome seemed sure.
  outcome affect 1.97   The outcome will affect laws in almost every state.
  outcome determine 1.51   The outcome will determine whether Cobb lives or dies.
  outcome leave 1.51   The outcome leaves a deeply bitter taste.
  outcome appear 0.99   That outcome appears near.
  outcome come 0.99   The outcome could come down to the last possession.
  outcome reflect 0.99   For fans at Safeco Field, the outcome reflected the weather.
  outcome make 0.86   That outcome made a great impression on me.
  outcome help 0.72   Either outcome could help President Clinton get re-elected.
  outcome hinge 0.72   The outcome hinged on four pitches.
  outcome mean 0.72   Still, the outcome meant nothing.
  outcome go 0.59   The outcome is not going to satisfy some with very strong feelings on both sides.
  outcome turn 0.59   So the outcome would turn on the adventures in the endgame.
  outcome become 0.53   Each season that passed, the outcome became more obvious.
  outcome change 0.53   The outcome never changed.
  outcome rest 0.53   The final outcome rests on a cricket match.
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