orchestrate attack 5.13   Bin Laden is accused of orchestrating the attacks.
  orchestrate violence 2.04   After the meeting, Arafat denied orchestrating the violence.
  orchestrate campaign 1.45   His campaign is orchestrated to appeal to Swiss prejudices.
  orchestrate protest 1.32   Israel has accused Arafat of orchestrating the protest.
  orchestrate killing 1.12   Davis, prosecutors alleged, orchestrated the killing to shut Groves up.
  orchestrate riot 1.12   Arafat has denied orchestrating the riots.
  orchestrate move 0.86   China has orchestrated its moves carefully.
  orchestrate effort 0.66   The two sides have orchestrated huge efforts in recent days to win public support.
  orchestrate change 0.59   They accused Phoenix officials of orchestrating those changes.
  orchestrate event 0.59   Plus, some events are obviously orchestrated to jerk the tears and provide convenient confrontations and resolutions.
  orchestrate bombing 0.53   Pakistan in the past has accused India of orchestrating the bombings.
  orchestrate kidnapping 0.53   Police believe Casey orchestrated the kidnapping.
  orchestrate ouster 0.53   Penders reached into a desk and pulled out an exhibit to support his contention that his ouster was orchestrated.
  orchestrate trade 0.53   But without Williams and Fielder, the pressure will intensify on Watson to orchestrate a trade for a power hitter.
  orchestrate activity 0.46   A greeter will take advance orders, sell food items and orchestrate activity in the latte line.
  orchestrate election 0.46   But pro-democracy groups say he will most likely orchestrate the election to ensure he remains in power.
  orchestrate massacre 0.46   Mladic is accused of orchestrating the massacres around Srebrenica.
  orchestrate series 0.46   The company is orchestrating a series of events around the world to capture public attention.
  orchestrate demonstration 0.39   Beijing claimed the demonstration was orchestrated by Li, who first denied, then admitted, being in China the day before.
  orchestrate genocide 0.39   The Hutu government orchestrated the genocide.
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