orbiting outpost 4.02   The trip to the orbiting outpost takes two days.
  orbiting station 2.70   The Soyuz series is used in manned space missions to the orbiting station Mir.
  orbiting satellite 2.50   The signal is fed to uplink towers aimed at orbiting satellites.
  orbiting spacecraft 1.25   It is visible to the naked eye from orbiting spacecraft.
  orbiting complex 1.05   Laughter filled the giant orbiting complex.
  orbiting laboratory 1.05   Without it, future assembly of the new orbiting laboratory would be stalled.
  orbiting telescope 0.92   The orbiting Hubble telescope also will be catching the show.
  orbiting planet 0.46   A larger wobble indicates the orbiting planet is large.
  orbiting observatory 0.39   The gamma ray burst was detected Saturday morning by two orbiting observatories.
  orbiting astronaut 0.33   Only Fresh Kills remained, growing so big that it is visible to orbiting astronauts.
  orbiting object 0.33   The system will be able to measure the size, shape and path of orbiting objects.
  orbiting space 0.33   Currently, the orbiting space lab can house only three.
  orbiting craft 0.26   Additional images are expected to come from a new orbiting Mars Surveyor craft due to be launched next April.
  orbiting debris 0.26   Orbiting debris threatens commercial and scientific satellites alike.
  orbiting module 0.26   Leaving the orbiting modules unmanned for so long is considered risky.
  orbiting shuttle 0.26   It is designed to relay communications from orbiting shuttles and other spacecraft to the ground.
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