optimistic about 101.05   Analysts were optimistic about ING.
  optimistic of 5.99   Low is optimistic of the future.
  optimistic than 4.94   Ballack was less optimistic than his coach.
  optimistic in 4.08   The government is optimistic in this effort.
  optimistic for 3.42   He is optimistic for the long term.
  optimistic after 2.57   Christopher optimistic after Syria visit.
  optimistic as 2.37   Hamill is as optimistic as the dawn.
  optimistic on 2.37   Trade minister optimistic on chip resolution.
  optimistic over 0.86   Carpenter is even more optimistic over the long haul.
  optimistic despite 0.79   Both sides were optimistic despite the recent deadlock.
  optimistic to 0.72   The scenario appeared overly optimistic to some.
  optimistic by 0.53   Angelenos are optimistic by nature.
  optimistic with 0.46   Cinema operators said they were optimistic with the local economy startomg to revive.
  optimistic among 0.39   Nemtsov, the most optimistic among reformers, sees mere stagnation.
  optimistic at 0.39   So they had reason to be optimistic at the start of the third quarter.
  optimistic during 0.33   Michael Codron remained optimistic during the first rewrites.
  optimistic in_the_face_of 0.26   Publicly Scioscia has remained optimistic in the face of so many question marks.
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