optimism be 18.76   And optimism is high.
  optimism seem 1.45   Yet optimism seemed to reign.
  optimism fade 1.25   The optimism has faded.
  optimism grow 1.12   His optimism grew as the time came nearer for his release.
  optimism come 0.99   But her optimism comes from the fact she finally is healthy.
  optimism boost 0.86   Its shares were also boosted by optimism about the trade talks.
  optimism help 0.79   That optimism helped buoy Veronica through the seven months of waiting, she says.
  optimism reign 0.79   But for a day, optimism reigned.
  optimism buoy 0.72   The banking sector also reversed an early decline, buoyed by optimism for an economic recovery.
  optimism remain 0.72   His optimism remains intact.
  optimism wane 0.72   Lately, though, his optimism has waned.
  optimism prevail 0.66   Optimism prevails in the team.
  optimism abound 0.59   Optimism abounds.
  optimism prove 0.59   That optimism proved right.
  optimism spread 0.59   The optimism is spreading.
  optimism give 0.53   We can look back later, if this early optimism gives way to another reality.
  optimism have 0.53   But optimism has its dark side.
  optimism begin 0.46   But it was not long before the optimism began to dim.
  optimism lead 0.46   However, this optimism can lead to stock build up or whisky lochs.
  optimism rise 0.46   Optimism also is rising among businesses and consumers.
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