oppose plan 32.06   He strongly opposes the plan.
  oppose bill 30.35   Bush opposed that bill.
  oppose measure 28.97   Green opposed the measure.
  oppose idea 27.12   Education groups oppose the idea.
  oppose move 25.48   Students oppose this move.
  oppose abortion 18.37   He opposes abortion.
  oppose effort 15.67   Republican lawmakers oppose those efforts.
  oppose use 15.40   PETA opposes all use of leather.
  oppose proposal 14.29   The board opposes this proposal.
  oppose change 13.76   Microsoft opposed the change.
  oppose legislation 11.92   The ADA opposed the legislation.
  oppose deal 9.48   Opposes trade deal.
  oppose independence 8.03   The Serbs opposed independence.
  oppose government 7.57   Federal government is opposed.
  oppose law 7.44   Oppose bad laws.
  oppose provision 7.04   Clinton opposes the provision.
  oppose attempt 6.65   Murray opposes attempts to limit late-term abortions.
  oppose expansion 6.65   Russia opposes NATO expansion.
  oppose right 6.52   He opposes abortion rights.
  oppose sanction 6.45   Russia opposes the sanctions.
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