operation be 103.09   Not only is the operation a concern.
  operation continue 19.16   The operation continues.
  operation begin 13.36   Operations will begin in February.
  operation take 12.90   The operation took all day.
  operation go 8.82   The salvage operation went on.
  operation have 8.43   The operation has to get better.
  operation last 4.94   The operation lasts a year.
  operation involve 4.08   He said the operation involves risks.
  operation resume 4.08   The operation resumed Tuesday.
  operation include 3.95   The operations will include a brokerage.
  operation come 3.42   But the operations come first.
  operation end 3.42   The operation ended this week.
  operation remain 3.36   Operations will remain the same.
  operation follow 2.96   An operation followed.
  operation start 2.96   Operations started this week.
  operation appear 2.24   At first the operation appears to have been unsuccessful.
  operation become 2.24   The TV operation became KXAS.
  operation make 2.17   News operations make mistakes too.
  operation fail 2.11   That operation also failed.
  operation leave 1.84   The operation left three kidnappers dead.
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