opened fire 11.45   Then, the man who had no criminal history, opened fire.
  opened store 0.86   They have since opened stores in San Francisco and London.
  opened door 0.66   The verger was waiting beside the opened far doors.
  opened office 0.66   It has since opened offices in Wilton, Conn., and New York.
  opened airport 0.59   Later Wednesday, Ahern flew into the newly opened Palestinian airport in the Gaza Strip.
  opened archive 0.59   Kelso is in Moscow to attend a conference on newly opened Soviet archives.
  opened talk 0.59   Buyoya has restored parliament and political parties and opened talks with the CNDD.
  opened bottle 0.46   An opened bottle will not keep.
  opened border 0.39   Fourteen others were Hutus who returned home on foot though a newly opened border post at Kibuye, Zaire.
  opened file 0.33   One of his office buildings looked like an opened file drawer.
  opened route 0.33   The newly opened route will now be the quickest way to deliver humanitarian supplies from Russia to Kabul.
  opened letter 0.26   American authorities hoped a newly opened letter to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy would provide crucial clues to help solve the anthrax-by-mail attacks.
  opened market 0.26   But Yohe argues that the best the United States can get from Japan is a partly opened market, and that negotiators should grab it.
  opened opportunity 0.26   Most of all she found that jazz opened up different opportunities than classical music.
  opened restaurant 0.26   Just a few doors away is the recently opened Porto Bello restaurant that is getting rave reviews for its northern Italian cuisine.
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