older brother 69.52   I have two older brothers.
  older people 67.28   Are all older people socially isolated?
  older man 34.63   An older man once saluted.
  older woman 34.63   The older woman started to smile,
  older child 32.19   Not even the older children?
  older sister 30.55   My older sister is a nurse.
  older worker 17.12   Age discrimination disadvantages older workers.
  older one 16.13   I was the older one.
  older generation 11.85   Here is the older generation.
  older player 10.40   The older players knew the schemes.
  older boy 9.41   The older boys led him astray.
  older student 9.15   Older students tried to mask it.
  older kid 7.70   For older kids, that is.
  older sibling 7.18   Sometimes older siblings helped out.
  older son 6.91   Two older sons dropped out.
  older adult 6.58   Older adults feel that way too.
  older model 6.45   Do older models help sales?
  older building 5.99   But older buildings develop cracks.
  older resident 5.66   Older residents leave the church.
  older patient 5.27   Older patients stay twice as long.
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