offseason surgery 8.95   He also had offseason knee surgery.
  offseason trade 2.76   Best offseason trade?
  offseason workout 2.63   He put a big challenge to the guys on offseason workouts.
  offseason program 2.24   Could their offseason program prevent a sprained ankle?
  offseason home 1.71   He makes his offseason home near Tampa.
  offseason move 1.65   Few offseason moves were made.
  offseason acquisition 1.51   Other offseason acquisitions have brought journeymen.
  offseason training 0.92   The offseason baseball training will be his most extensive ever.
  offseason addition 0.66   Both teams will showcase offseason additions.
  offseason regimen 0.66   Consider, for example, his strenuous offseason training regimen.
  offseason work 0.59   He did the requisite offseason work and he had a good spring.
  offseason deal 0.53   The Mexican league, meanwhile, is gaining currency through its offseason deals.
  offseason change 0.46   That leads to questions about offseason changes.
  offseason pickup 0.33   The biggest offseason pickup for the St. Louis Blues is a role player in the playoffs.
  offseason job 0.26   The Celtics worried about lining up offseason jobs.
  offseason overhaul 0.26   The champions do have to answer some questions about their attack, which has sputtered after another offseason overhaul.
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