offer in 58.46   Both are offered in coupe and sedan models.
  offer as 31.01   It is never offered as a gift.
  offer on 30.28   A few are offered on film.
  offer at 27.85   All were being offered at steep discounts.
  offer up 21.26   Ashley offered up a fervent thanks.
  offer by 8.23   By itself offering you a mortgage.
  offer through 6.39   It is offered through America Online.
  offer with 6.19   It is offered with four engine options.
  offer from 4.21   Free beer was offered from a cooler onstage.
  offer during 3.42   This course will only be offered during the fall session.
  offer of 3.16   Also offers of items for all the stalls.
  offer over 2.17   Eventually, the ads will be offered over the Web.
  offer under 1.84   Both were offered under their apparent market value.
  offer about 1.65   What information is offered about him?
  offer without 1.65   It was just last month, Moster offers without prompting.
  offer after 1.45   After Dark Online offers similar features.
  offer than 1.32   It has a lot more to offer than the current version.
  offer before 1.18   They also try to identify troubled families, and offer help before the state steps in.
  offer in_exchange_for 0.99   Genscher offered himself in exchange for the Israelis.
  offer throughout 0.92   Private trails also are offered throughout the region.
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