obstruct justice 19.88   He obstructed justice.
  obstruct effort 2.90   These problems have also obstructed rescue efforts.
  obstruct investigation 2.76   Agency officials deny the CIA intended to obstruct any investigation.
  obstruct police 2.57   She was charged with obstructing police.
  obstruct view 2.57   Our view was obstructed.
  obstruct work 2.24   That is why he repeatedly obstructs their work.
  obstruct traffic 1.18   Sharpton was convicted in November on two counts of obstructing traffic at the protest.
  obstruct administration 0.99   But that rate is lower for the principal charge against Hubbell, obstructing tax administration.
  obstruct business 0.92   The teen-agers were charged with obstructing official business.
  obstruct search 0.79   They were triggered by a report in which U.N. arms inspectors accused the Iraqi government of obstructing their search for banned weapons.
  obstruct flow 0.72   On Jupiter, however, we guess that there are no land masses to obstruct wind flows.
  obstruct vision 0.72   Players say shields are hot and sometimes obstruct vision.
  obstruct inquiry 0.66   Republicans have accused Democrats of obstructing the inquiry.
  obstruct progress 0.66   But he indicated he did not want to be seen as obstructing progress.
  obstruct return 0.59   And now, the Croatian government is obstructing their return.
  obstruct inspector 0.53   He warned Saddam against obstructing the inspectors.
  obstruct passage 0.46   The opposition party also tried to obstruct passage of government-proposed bills.
  obstruct peace 0.46   Assad said Syria would not try to obstruct peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
  obstruct access 0.39   Some civilians barricaded roads leading into the town to obstruct access by soldiers from nearby areas.
  obstruct agreement 0.39   The Polish diplomat said in recent talks there had been no sign that India might obstruct any agreement.
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