obscure fact 3.55   But the publicity must not obscure the facts.
  obscure view 3.49   He says it obscures his view.
  obscure face 1.84   Its face is obscured.
  obscure sun 1.25   Even when out, the sun is usually obscured by clouds.
  obscure vision 0.79   Such tissue can obscure vision.
  obscure reality 0.72   A victory can obscure reality.
  obscure truth 0.72   Complicated messages can obscure basic truths.
  obscure part 0.53   Fog will obscure parts of southern California.
  obscure visibility 0.53   Dirty screens can also obscure visibility and restrict air flow.
  obscure issue 0.39   This issue has been obscured by recent events.
  obscure position 0.33   At the same time, Bush sought to obscure his position on some issues.
  obscure detail 0.26   He says Frei should have applied chemicals to remove surface coatings that obscure details of the pollen.
  obscure importance 0.26   The routine nature of the changeover should not obscure its importance.
  obscure line 0.26   The ties between the various parties, he said, obscured lines of fiduciary duty.
  obscure need 0.26   Since high school, his physical gifts have obscured the need for help.
  obscure question 0.26   Admittedly, the question of political hypocrisy obscures the question of moral responsibility.
  obscure section 0.26   Fog will obscure sections of the Appalachians.
  obscure sign 0.26   At Sakagura, the sign is obscured by the bright white marble entrance to an office building.
  obscure top 0.26   Thick cloud obscured the top of the hill.
  obscure window 0.26   The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.
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