norwegian government 6.91   What all supplied by the Norwegian government?
  norwegian official 5.60   Arafat was meeting top Norwegian officials.
  norwegian police 4.34   Norwegian police are taking no chances.
  norwegian company 3.82   Actovegin is manufactured by the Norwegian company Nycomed.
  norwegian capital 3.69   This week, they are back in the Norwegian capital to appeal.
  norwegian authority 3.16   Norwegian authorities have refused to extradite him.
  norwegian team 3.16   Eriksen also played for the Norwegian national team.
  norwegian ministry 3.09   The Norwegian foreign ministry did not provide details.
  norwegian diplomat 2.90   Another success for Norwegian diplomat.
  norwegian group 2.17   The activists were from Bellona, a Norwegian environmental group.
  norwegian oil 2.17   The value of Norwegian oil investments in Southeast Asia was not available.
  norwegian diver 2.04   Norwegian divers were expected to arrive Sunday.
  norwegian law 1.91   But Norwegian law defines the estranged husband as the legal father.
  norwegian ship 1.91   The Harmoni was the only Norwegian ship hunting off Russia.
  norwegian newspaper 1.78   And this year, Norwegian newspapers are split.
  norwegian skier 1.78   Norwegian skiers took the next two spots.
  norwegian defender 1.58   Norwegian defender Ronnie Johnsen is doubtful with injury.
  norwegian hostage 1.58   A Norwegian hostage was decapitated last year.
  norwegian striker 1.58   Norwegian striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer scored its two comeback goals.
  norwegian fjord 1.51   It sits in a Norwegian fjord while Shell figures out what to do with it.
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