noon prayer 8.62   It was time for noon prayers.
  noon deadline 2.83   All sides are up against a Saturday noon deadline to reach a deal.
  noon time 1.12   The ceremonies start at noon Central time.
  noon hour 0.92   The noon hour.
  noon rally 0.79   The noon rally was held hours before Tung Chee-hwa flew in from Beijing.
  noon meal 0.72   It was a delicious noon meal for all of us.
  noon newscast 0.66   The station cut away to air its regularly scheduled noon newscast.
  noon sun 0.66   Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun.
  noon game 0.46   Noon games come up fast after night games.
  noon start 0.46   Crowds formed along the parade route three hours before its noon start.
  noon meeting 0.39   The booster club has scheduled a noon board meeting Monday to discuss the move options.
  noon news 0.33   It made the noon news.
  noon recess 0.33   Rodriguez was on the witness stand for less than an hour before the noon recess.
  noon sunshine 0.33   He and several friends were enjoying the noon sunshine before finding their seats.
  noon appointment 0.26   I had a Saturday noon appointment with an Ethiopian Jewish family in Lod, a small town near Tel Aviv.
  noon break 0.26   When the hearing was adjourned for a noon break, less than half the list had been read.
  noon flight 0.26   He had been scheduled to arrive on a noon flight from South Africa but was not on the plane.
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