nominating process 6.52   The nominating process seems more open, but is it?
  nominating convention 5.13   The nominating conventions are under way.
  nominating committee 3.36   The board lacks a nominating committee.
  nominating candidate 1.18   Earlier Wednesday, the ANC changed its rules for nominating candidates from the floor.
  nominating contest 1.18   The first nominating contests will not occur until February.
  nominating petition 1.18   All of the mayoral candidates filed nominating petitions Thursday.
  nominating season 0.99   Iowa is the lead-off state in the presidential nominating season.
  nominating speech 0.66   He was chosen to make the nominating speech for Nixon.
  nominating vote 0.39   With the nominating vote scheduled for evening session, a full day of ferment lies ahead.
  nominating commission 0.33   After the Salt Lake scandal, the IOC set up a special nominating commission to screen candidates for membership.
  nominating delegate 0.33   But both major parties will allocate nominating delegates based solely on the vote totals from their party members.
  nominating judge 0.33   Republicans frequently withheld the slips to block President Clinton from nominating Democratic judges to the bench.
  nominating caucus 0.26   Iowa is likely to be the first state to hold a presidential nominating caucuses next year.
  nominating people 0.26   Kostunica ally Nebojsa Covic accused the Socialists of nominating people who helped Milosevic impose ruinous policies on the country.
  nominating rule 0.26   But no nominating rules have yet been set.
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