nightmare be 5.66   Is the nightmare over?
  nightmare begin 2.83   The nightmare had begun.
  nightmare come 2.24   But then came the nightmares.
  nightmare end 1.51   But those nightmares end.
  nightmare continue 0.79   But the nightmares continue.
  nightmare haunt 0.53   Nightmares haunted her.
  nightmare go 0.46   The nightmare goes on.
  nightmare start 0.46   Then the nightmare started.
  nightmare become 0.39   On Wednesday, the nightmare became real.
  nightmare occur 0.33   Will such automation nightmares really occur?
  nightmare happen 0.26   How did this nightmare happen?
  nightmare have 0.26   Some seeming nightmares have a way of working out.
  nightmare keep 0.26   Nightmares kept me awake all night.
  nightmare seem 0.26   The nightmare seemed to be intensifying.
  nightmare stop 0.26   The nightmare never stops.
  nightmare trouble 0.26   Periodic nightmares trouble him.
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