neural network 7.31   Winn runs his service like a neural network.
  neural cell 1.05   The enzyme, known as Mapkinase, stimulates and regenerates neural cells.
  neural activity 0.92   Periodic neural activity is a normal behavior.
  neural net 0.92   Training sets are typically large, for any kind of neural net.
  neural circuitry 0.79   The same neural circuitry is involved in the highs and lows of abusing drugs.
  neural mechanism 0.72   A neural mechanism seems, by contrast, to be feasible.
  neural pathway 0.59   ...neural pathways in the brain.
  neural connection 0.46   There seems to be some direct neural connection between garden gazing and photo snapping.
  neural structure 0.46   One neural structure does not fit all.
  neural system 0.46   Music activates neural systems of reward and emotion.
  neural tissue 0.46   Simple sounds are again mapped on neural tissue.
  neural circuit 0.39   Where are the neural circuits for music and which qualities of music do they specialize in recognizing?
  neural signal 0.33   Painkillers can numb neural signals.
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