net for 13.43   Luizao hit the net for Corinthians.
  net with 11.85   He covers a lot of net with his size.
  net in 8.95   He had one shot on net in the game.
  net of 7.57   They cut the nets of another.
  net from 7.44   There was a feeling coming across the net from her.
  net on 6.45   Think of a net on a dock.
  net worth 4.41   How much of your net worth is liquid?
  net after 4.34   He hurdled the net after the match to congratulate his buddy.
  net to 3.82   They opened out the nets to their full extent.
  net by 3.16   The strike was knocked over the net by Perez.
  net as 2.11   I hope we find the net as easily on Wednesday against Sunderland!
  net at 2.11   Nets at Rockets.
  net off 1.84   The ball rocketed into the net off the crossbar.
  net behind 1.71   --The hanging net behind the front seats.
  net against 1.58   Billington will likely be in net against the Maple Leafs tonight.
  net past 1.45   The Norwegian blasted it into the net past goalkeeper Gao Hong.
  net before 1.32   Sydor went around him and behind the net before finding Modano in front.
  net over 1.18   A tiny spider overnight built a most exquisite net over my table.
  net around 1.12   James, with the net around his neck, was tired and overcome by emotion.
  net during 0.79   He whacked at Sundin and Hoglund in front of net during the second period tonight.
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