neighborhood be 22.25   Neighborhoods are safe.
  neighborhood have 5.73   The neighborhood has charm.
  neighborhood become 2.30   The neighborhood became a family.
  neighborhood go 1.78   There goes the neighborhood!
  neighborhood change 1.65   Neighborhoods change.
  neighborhood remain 1.38   The neighborhood remains tight-knit.
  neighborhood need 1.05   This neighborhood needs this program.
  neighborhood look 0.99   The neighborhoods look a lot like Pelham.
  neighborhood suffer 0.92   Neighborhoods suffer frequent outages.
  neighborhood come 0.79   That means the neighborhood is coming back.
  neighborhood get 0.79   The neighborhood just got too bad.
  neighborhood lose 0.79   Neighborhoods will lose power.
  neighborhood begin 0.59   The new neighborhood is beginning to settle down.
  neighborhood include 0.59   The neighborhood includes many grand old homes.
  neighborhood see 0.59   So far this year, the neighborhood has seen only one homicide.
  neighborhood turn 0.59   Neighborhoods turned into islands.
  neighborhood feel 0.53   No neighborhood feels safe.
  neighborhood improve 0.53   But she has seen the neighborhood improve.
  neighborhood use 0.53   Those old neighborhoods use less land.
  neighborhood fall 0.39   But the neighborhood had now fallen into straitened circumstances.
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