negotiating table 71.43   It only wanted to reach the negotiating table.
  negotiating team 30.61   Albanians appoint negotiating team.
  negotiating session 16.33   No negotiating sessions have been set.
  negotiating position 8.62   My negotiating position has greatly changed.
  negotiating process 8.16   Part of the negotiating process.
  negotiating committee 6.52   Del Valle is a member of the negotiating committee.
  negotiating partner 5.60   The company did not name its negotiating partners.
  negotiating peace 4.02   Sinzoyiheba had been a strong proponent for negotiating peace.
  negotiating authority 3.69   Milosevic has negotiating authority for the Bosnian Serbs.
  negotiating skill 3.42   She has good negotiating skills.
  negotiating panel 3.16   Part of the negotiating panel has been created.
  negotiating right 3.16   The Giants have exclusive negotiating rights with Bonds until Tuesday.
  negotiating power 2.76   They will not have any negotiating power.
  negotiating contract 2.37   There is a business side to negotiating contracts.
  negotiating strategy 2.24   U.S. and South Korea disagree on negotiating strategy.
  negotiating group 2.17   No talks between the negotiating group and the Teamsters are scheduled.
  negotiating room 1.78   That will not leave Ms. Felton with a lot of negotiating room.
  negotiating tactic 1.78   But this could be just a negotiating tactic.
  negotiating ploy 1.58   Another negotiating ploy?
  negotiating stance 1.51   However, Kabila gave no indication of softening his negotiating stance.
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