needless suffering 0.86   They wanted to see an end to what they termed needless suffering.
  needless death 0.66   We need to bring to an end these needless deaths.
  needless penalty 0.39   They have to cut out needless penalties.
  needless casualty 0.33   They say the government has caused needless civilian casualties in the campaign.
  needless complexity 0.33   This is exactly the sort of needless complexity it was the genius of the Eameses to cut through.
  needless fear 0.33   It can succumb to needless fears and petty politics.
  needless anxiety 0.26   The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.
  needless delay 0.26   This will lead to needless delay.
  needless loss 0.26   Reading this biography, one is struck with a sense of needless loss.
  needless slaughter 0.26   The needless slaughter has been going on for more than a century.
  needless surgery 0.26   My father died two years ago after what turned out to be needless surgery.
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