naked in 6.58   Waking up naked in a ditch.
  naked on 2.30   The baby went naked on the beach.
  naked from 1.78   He was naked from the waist up.
  naked with 1.45   Sunny Jim is stark naked with a big piece of pizza in his right hand.
  naked to 1.18   Walk naked to the bathroom.
  naked except_for 1.05   Alphand is naked except for a strategically placed helmet.
  naked through 0.99   Run naked through Big Bend, your honor.
  naked in_front_of 0.92   He stood naked in front of me.
  naked by 0.86   ON the planet Proton, all serfs went naked by order.
  naked for 0.72   People were naked for about an hour.
  naked before 0.66   She was paraded naked before jeering mobs.
  naked as 0.53   I was as naked as my lust.
  naked without 0.53   I feel naked without it.
  naked at 0.46   Word is, he was seen naked at one point in that film.
  naked into 0.39   That day their heads were shaved and they were marched naked into Kassel.
  naked under 0.33   We would dance naked under the moon if we thought it would shield us.
  naked beneath 0.26   He undressed and slipped into the bed beside her, her body warm and naked beneath the silken sheets.
  naked down 0.26   He was walked naked down a stairwell to the third floor.
  naked during 0.26   There it caused a stir from the first moment that Turner appeared naked during the seduction scene.
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