muster support 9.08   It has failed to muster support from other, larger unions.
  muster vote 6.25   They failed to muster enough votes.
  muster majority 2.83   He failed to muster a majority, triggering the runoff.
  muster courage 2.04   But he mustered the courage.
  muster strength 1.32   His celebration consisted of mustering enough strength to crawl gingerly out of the car.
  muster energy 0.99   They failed to muster energy.
  muster offense 0.92   Neither team could muster much offense.
  muster enthusiasm 0.66   They could not muster enthusiasm for any candidate.
  muster will 0.59   Yet democracies often have difficulty mustering the will to suppress secessionists.
  muster opposition 0.46   Yeltsin meets Ukrainian leader, tries to muster opposition to NATO raids.
  muster force 0.39   Both leaders starting mustering political forces just months before elections.
  muster smile 0.39   Carew, red-eyed, mustered a smile at the recollection.
  muster troop 0.39   A command to muster the troops.
  muster hit 0.33   By the third inning, they probably wondered who, if anybody, would muster a hit.
  muster shot 0.33   They mustered three shots, just one on goal.
  muster army 0.26   To muster an army would take time -- but not too much time, for men were hard to come by at harvest.
  muster consensus 0.26   But Democrats said they doubted that Roth could muster a consensus.
  muster sympathy 0.26   As he delivered his ruling, however, Judge Wong Keen Onn mustered little sympathy for the woman.
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