murky water 8.10   Fauve in the murky water,
  murky world 2.04   Inside the murky world where politics, money and access intersect.
  murky area 1.12   However, that law remains a murky area.
  murky business 1.05   He made murky personal business deals.
  murky depth 0.86   Divers scour the murky depths of the pond.
  murky river 0.72   The murky rivers of corruption run deep in Argentina.
  murky circumstance 0.66   This trove may not be the last to appear under murky circumstances.
  murky dealing 0.53   Some banks, burdened by foreign-currency debts and murky dealings, are close to collapse.
  murky issue 0.46   Then there is the rather murky issue of ownership.
  murky light 0.46   I could hardly see him in the murky light of the bar.
  murky realm 0.46   Hatespeak falls into a similarly murky realm.
  murky canal 0.39   Its streets are murky canals.
  murky territory 0.39   This is murky territory for the National Right to Life Committee.
  murky condition 0.33   Divers said the missing man was likely near the wreck site but murky conditions and debris were hampering the search.
  murky history 0.33   The Irish snake trade has its own murky history.
  murky pool 0.33   His tail disappeared into the murky pool.
  murky question 0.33   Such cases, she said, raise murky philosophical questions.
  murky situation 0.33   Further clouding the murky situation in Oregon is its unusual election system.
  murky terrain 0.33   This is murky terrain.
  murky atmosphere 0.26   Visually, the movie, filmed in digital video, evokes the murky atmosphere of a ghost story.
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