motion detector 3.23   The units act like motion detectors.
  motion sensor 2.11   Motion sensors.
  motion injury 1.97   How big a problem do repetitive motion injuries pose for American workers?
  motion offense 1.65   They run a good motion offense and have good spacing.
  motion video 1.05   We will see further improvements in motion video.
  motion capture 0.72   The process is called motion capture.
  motion control 0.59   Do you go for motion control, cushioning or stability?
  motion penalty 0.53   Gottlieb managed to complete five passes, but there were several fumbled snaps and motion penalties.
  motion debate 0.39   The Senate is expected to decide Tuesday on a timetable for no-confidence motion debates.
  motion machine 0.39   He must work daily on a continuous passive motion machine, which basically keeps his legs moving.
  motion number 0.39   Erm move on to Conservative motion number two.
  motion analysis 0.33   Motion analysis.
  motion event 0.33   That set in motion events that culminated in her arrest last week in Philadelphia.
  motion game 0.33   The motion game.
  motion plan 0.33   Once on his own, Earl put into motion ambitious plans for a global presence.
  motion hearing 0.26   Other trial issues and motion hearings will be conducted in open court.
  motion procedure 0.26   Lingenthal said the Interior Ministry already has set in motion procedures to strip Kaplan of his asylum status.
  motion sequence 0.26   Motion sequences can be edited like sound files, cut from one place and pasted into another.
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