mood swing 14.09   She suffers from mood swings.
  mood change 2.37   Then the mood changes.
  mood disorder 2.30   Author of revealing and acclaimed books on mood disorders.
  mood music 1.51   More mood music.
  mood ring 0.79   And he has a mood ring that is tinting a pale blue.
  mood piece 0.66   The film works best as a mood piece.
  mood shift 0.59   I love mood shifts.
  mood lighting 0.53   There was no mood lighting at crack houses.
  mood stabilizer 0.46   He yanked Bohn off the antidepressants and put him on mood stabilizers.
  mood state 0.26   Our mood states often seem disconnected from events, or disproportionate to them.
  mood strike 0.26   And one is left to make a coherent thing of it or not, as the mood strikes.
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