monster truck 1.51   Monster trucks.
  monster movie 1.18   Monster movies intrigued us.
  monster game 0.99   It needs a monster game from end Willie McGinnest and gets it.
  monster season 0.66   In fact, the ingredients are in place for a monster season.
  monster hit 0.59   The song was a monster hit.
  monster dunk 0.46   When Young made a layup, Richardson responded with a monster dunk.
  monster jam 0.39   Also, look out for those monster jams.
  monster show 0.39   Simply go to a monster truck show.
  monster storm 0.39   It was not a monster storm when it traversed those land masses.
  monster year 0.39   Get ready for a monster year.
  monster rally 0.33   More noise than a monster truck rally.
  monster film 0.26   Their numbers proliferate like creatures from a monster film.
  monster hurricane 0.26   We complain about oceanic-temperature cycles brewing monster hurricanes.
  monster number 0.26   Tony Clark is capable of monster numbers.
  monster wave 0.26   The wind blows almost constantly, whipping up monster waves.
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