monsoon rain 21.59   The monsoon rain comes down in sheets.
  monsoon season 7.77   Monsoon season is coming soon.
  monsoon flood 1.25   The river is fed by monsoon floods.
  monsoon storm 0.72   Most left when a monsoon storm threatened.
  monsoon circulation 0.66   Meanwhile, the monsoon circulation will continue to produce areas of showers in the southern Rockies.
  monsoon drain 0.66   They are constructed by the busy roadside and extend over a monsoon drain.
  monsoon cloud 0.59   Monsoon clouds are rolling in.
  monsoon wind 0.53   Yellowed newspaper pages blew down its streets in the monsoon wind.
  monsoon shower 0.33   A heavy monsoon shower began, wetting us through, and we both started to laugh.
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