monk be 4.94   The monk was right.
  monk say 2.04   Of course not, the monk said.
  monk have 1.84   Then the monks had their say.
  monk chant 0.92   In a large tent, monks chanted longer ceremonies.
  monk take 0.92   The monks take a vow of silence.
  monk make 0.72   When the younger monks make the trip, they rush.
  monk die 0.59   An elderly monk died under unclear circumstances.
  monk live 0.59   Sixteen monks live at the monastery.
  monk begin 0.53   The monks began the deconstruction ritual indoors at the arts center.
  monk hold 0.53   All monks must hold Greek passports.
  monk tell 0.53   In the beginning, he refused to listen to what the monks told him.
  monk pray 0.46   A thousand monks prayed for him.
  monk run 0.46   The monks run a hospice for travelers in their mountain retreat.
  monk come 0.39   Three more years went by and the head monk came back.
  monk go 0.39   Otherwise, more monks could go hungry.
  monk lead 0.39   Celebrated monk leads peace march.
  monk refuse 0.39   Today the monks refuse to leave their small enclosure.
  monk remain 0.39   Only three monks remain.
  monk demand 0.33   Residents said monks were demanding his release by the full moon on Sunday.
  monk do 0.33   About eight monks do the computer work.
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