molecular structure 3.03   ...the molecular structure of fuel.
  molecular level 2.76   Not just describe it on a molecular level.
  molecular mass 1.97   Thus where is the relative molecular mass.
  molecular electronics 0.92   The recent molecular electronics work has been blemished, at least, by sloppiness.
  molecular study 0.92   And much of what she did pointed the way for molecular studies by others.
  molecular technique 0.72   Other molecular techniques are making their impact feclt in microbiology.
  molecular mechanism 0.66   Strategies for gene therapy are based on the molecular mechanism of a disease.
  molecular motion 0.66   The stop-motion in this case approaches a stoppage of molecular motion itself.
  molecular mimicry 0.59   This would sidestep molecular mimicry.
  molecular computer 0.53   A similar design might work for self-assembled molecular computers.
  molecular hydrogen 0.53   The data is the first to detect molecular hydrogen in the atmosphere of Mars.
  molecular switch 0.53   But the new molecular switches are a promising first step.
  molecular process 0.46   And what are the molecular processes involved in establishing that new pattern?
  molecular species 0.46   The difference can be explaiend by the molecular species of lecithins used.
  molecular bond 0.39   At this temperature, molecular bonds in the gases break, creating a plasma of free ions.
  molecular circuit 0.39   One is to pack molecular circuits less densely.
  molecular crystal 0.39   Naphthalene also forms molecular crystals.
  molecular form 0.39   The scientists used a molecular form of fishing to snare their proteins.
  molecular fragment 0.39   A nitro group is a molecular fragment consisting of a nitrogen atom bonded to two oxygen atoms.
  molecular geneticist 0.39   But molecular geneticists now look back on such triumphs, shake their heads and say, boy, did those lucky devils have it easy.
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