modify plan 2.30   He modified his plans and built another.
  modify position 2.17   He did not say how the U.S. position was modified.
  modify law 1.58   He said he would fight any effort to modify the law.
  modify proposal 1.25   IMF modifies bankruptcy proposal after U.S. objects.
  modify policy 1.12   That policy was modified, with Americans also having only three entries.
  modify rule 1.05   In the meantime, the rule could be modified in response to public comments.
  modify stance 1.05   The USGA has modified its stance.
  modify behavior 0.99   But it is possible to learn to modify your behavior and to live with it.
  modify bill 0.99   Last week, the House modified the bill.
  modify legislation 0.99   Jeffords suggested he was willing to modify his legislation.
  modify program 0.99   Holmoe modified the program slightly.
  modify agreement 0.86   Both sides have indicated that they might seek to modify the agreements.
  modify demand 0.72   During negotiations, British Columbia has repeatedly expanded and modified its demands.
  modify system 0.72   There are many proposals to modify the system.
  modify approach 0.66   Other game makers are modifying their approach to adopting movies.
  modify design 0.66   In exchange Macedonia will modify the design of its national flag.
  modify treaty 0.66   Russia had pushed unsuccessfully for the treaty to be modified before NATO expansion.
  modify view 0.66   She has modified her views on the matter.
  modify game 0.59   Things like that, just little things to modify his game.
  modify process 0.59   When his patent expired, Dow Corning modified the process, making it cheaper and faster.
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