mixture be 27.91   Beat until mixture is smooth.
  mixture resemble 4.02   Mixture should resemble soft ice cream.
  mixture thicken 3.95   Mixture should thicken.
  mixture come 2.63   Keep covered until mixture comes to a boil.
  mixture begin 2.30   The mixture will begin to thicken.
  mixture boil 1.91   Do not let mixture boil.
  mixture cool 1.71   Let mixture cool.
  mixture become 1.38   Mixture will become quite thick.
  mixture seem 1.32   If the mixture seems dry, add water.
  mixture look 1.25   Mixture will look dry.
  mixture start 1.25   Stir until mixture starts to boil.
  mixture simmer 0.99   Adjust heat so mixture simmers steadily.
  mixture have 0.92   The mixture has a pasty consistency.
  mixture bubble 0.86   The mixture may bubble up furiously.
  mixture turn 0.66   Continue until all mixture has turned to foam.
  mixture cook 0.53   Let mixture cook for five minutes.
  mixture form 0.53   The mixture will form a thick, tangy sauce.
  mixture contain 0.39   The report did not say what that mixture contained.
  mixture fall 0.39   An icy mixture will fall in much of the Northeast on Thursday.
  mixture get 0.39   Add stock if mixture gets too thick.
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