mint leaf 4.67   Serve with mint leaves.
  mint condition 2.17   Both are in mint condition.
  mint sprig 2.17   No mint sprig.
  mint tea 1.65   And the complementary mint tea was delicious.
  mint jelly 0.53   Make a paste of boric acid and mint jelly.
  mint chip 0.39   The mint chip is always stocked.
  mint official 0.33   Montanaro said the investigation will be carried out with the help of mint officials.
  mint spokesman 0.33   Mint spokesman Michael White would not comment about the criminal case or about security in general.
  mint syrup 0.33   Add the mint syrup and stir.
  mint green 0.26   Their most popular pants are in mint green or baby blue.
  mint pesto 0.26   Drizzle with the mint pesto.
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