mine company 1.38   Tribes, mining company reach agreement in Irian Jaya.
  mine gold 1.38   Now Montero enslaves them to mine gold.
  mine road 1.38   Kurdish rebels often mine roads used by security forces.
  mine area 1.12   He also noted the area may be mined.
  mine coal 0.92   Anderson points across the cove to a bluff, where coal once was mined.
  mine diamond 0.59   De Beers was cleared for a project to mine diamonds.
  mine explosion 0.53   Civilians die in shelling, mine explosion.
  mine ore 0.53   If confirmed, the joint venture partners will mine the ore.
  mine site 0.53   The site will be mined for centuries.
  mine operation 0.46   The money will go to refugee housing, health care, rehabilitation of war injured and mine sweeping operations.
  mine past 0.46   Koehn mines the past to illuminate the present.
  mine region 0.46   Both regions are heavily mined.
  mine approach 0.39   The Russians had mined the approach to the post, he said.
  mine datum 0.39   Local telephone companies mine data from call records.
  mine deposit 0.39   The company said it will explore ways to improve the return on mining the deposit.
  mine field 0.39   But the field was mined.
  mine industry 0.39   He is being accompanied by senior executives representing the Australian coal, power and mining industries.
  mine land 0.39   Opposition soldiers warned that the land was heavily mined.
  mine shaft 0.39   Twelve-year-olds toiling in sweat shops and rickety mine shafts.
  mine territory 0.39   But Spelling has mined this territory successfully before.
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