milky sap 0.46   The tree has a milky sap.
  milky sky 0.39   The result was an unusual milky white sky over parts of the West.
  milky eye 0.33   Her milky eyes grinned slyly up at Athelstan.
  milky white 0.33   If you add water, the perfume turns milky white and tastes a bit like gin.
  milky juice 0.26   The milky juice is poisonous, so wear gloves while pruning.
  milky liquid 0.26   Kernels will give off a milky liquid when punctured with your thumbnail.
  milky veil 0.26   A milky veil dimmed the sun in a cloudless sky over parts of the Dakotas last weekend.
  milky water 0.26   Run your fingers through the grains gently, then tip the bowl and pour off most of the milky water.
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