militia leader 21.46   Palestinian militia leader killed.
  militia group 20.47   The militia groups are the exception.
  militia member 20.41   A militia member in the making?
  militia ally 6.12   The zone is held jointly by Israeli troops and local militia allies.
  militia movement 5.99   And the militia movement is now closely watched.
  militia force 4.67   All army units and militia forces in the area were put on alert.
  militia fighter 4.41   Sixty militia fighters also turned in their weapons.
  militia commander 3.49   But militia commanders denied the accusation.
  militia position 2.50   Hezbollah claimed it destroyed several fortified militia positions.
  militia unit 2.17   She said every state has at least four militia units.
  militia gang 1.78   He is also charged with joining militia gangs on their killing sprees.
  militia outpost 1.38   Guerrillas fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns at a militia outpost at Saidoun, near the mountain town of Jezzine.
  militia activity 1.32   The ATF would not comment Friday on militia activity.
  militia chief 1.18   Brigadier Kabir Talukder has been appointed the new militia chief, the newspaper said.
  militia man 1.18   The peacekeepers killed one Indonesian police officer and six militia men.
  militia official 1.18   Militia officials blamed Hezbollah guerrillas for the shelling.
  militia rebel 0.99   He blamed the rebel Taliban militia for the assault.
  militia officer 0.92   Tribal militia officers told reporters the device was defused and no damage was caused.
  militia proxy 0.92   After the referendum, Indonesian troops and their militia proxies killed hundreds and devastated much of the territory.
  militia violence 0.92   Sporadic militia violence continues as well.
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